
Sunday — 01.03.21 — Testing New Year

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0. a year is not to blame
1. Invitation

0. a year to name

Word on the street is that 2020 was a bad year. But surely, a year is not to blame. And endowing it with metaphysical powers will certainly not help any of us understand what it is we have just lived or passed. Nor will it orient us toward what we open, ritually, for those who observe the gregorian calendar, as the new year.

We attempt tomorrow (january 3, 2021) to gather, part structured, part improvised as another testing assembling for a ceremony, inviting short readings, manifestos, poems, prayers, wishes, concepts, orientations, mumblings, songs, statements …

In this year, where so many of us have loved someone who has passed, where so many have lost their lives for causes that can only be articulated and confronted collectively, we have made a habit of assembling on Sundays, to try to do just that.

We have traced collectively the multiple manifestations of the virus, the responses of states, the violent impositions, exposures of the pre-existing conditions, the struggles against police and prisons, against borders, detention centers, struggles for black life, against patriarchy and caste, fascism, structural neglect, abandonment, the social infrastructures of racial capitalism and white supremacy, the struggles against bourgeois morality, truthers and denialists, learning from peasant movements, movements for autonomy, self-defense, against colonial and genocidal states, confronting the wars of counter-insurgency, against subsistence and of oblivion.

In this all, we have tried to also maintain the capacity to continue to dream our own dreams. Tomorrow, maybe we will attempt to also share such dreams.

We invite those interested to join as we try to re-mark communally the entry into what some mark with the number 2021.

(take care of yourselves and this new year)

1. Invitation

This Sunday, at 10 AM (New York Time) we will assemble virtually to mark the new year together.

It will be roughly in four hourly movements, at 10am, 11am, 12noon 1pm

For those interested to join, please write to mai [AT] 16beavergroup.org