
Support b.a.n.g. Lab

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More background information about what this is all about here:
From nettime:
There are two main ways you can show support at this time. Thank you all
for the signatures! The showing of support from around the world will
surely help our case and hopefully demonstrate to the UCOP how difficult
it is going to be for them to continue this repression of us.
Now, here’s what you can do to help:
1. Write a letter expressing your concerns about this issue, supporting
our research, calling for an end to the investigations and an end to the
harassment of Ricardo Dominguez and bang.lab/EDT members to:
“Kester, Grant” , “Larsen, Kristina” ,
“Lerer, Seth” , “Lawrence.Pitts@ucop.edu”
, “Rosen, Amy” , “SVC Academic
Affairs” , “Ricardo Dominguez”
Please send your letters by April 7th, 2010!
2. Please come to UCSD on April 8th at 10:30am and show your support with
a rally outside of the meeting between Ricardo Dominguez and the Vice
Chancellor. As of now, we think the meeting will be in Grant Kester’s
office, Mandevilla 209, on the 2nd floor. A map to the Mandeville building
is here: http://visarts.ucsd.edu/node/view/495/ The vice-chancellor needs
to know how broad and determined the support for Ricardo is! Let’s fill
the courtyard, the stairs and the first floor open area! Please come and
bring friends! The Vice Chancellor is pushing to have the meeting at his
office on North Torrey Pines road, so please check back at
http://bang.calit2.net for updates on April 7th!
Thank you for your support,
micha cárdenas, b.a.n.g. lab member and Lecturer in Visual Arts