
Rev Billy Doc Opens This Weekend

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Date/Time: 31/10/2003 12:00 am

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
Oct 31st-Nov 4th at Anthology Film Archives
All Screenings at 9:30pm
Part secular cult, part political affinity group, part improvisatory theater troupe,
Rev Billy’s activists trespass with flair inside Starbucks, Disney and an NYU
construction site (trying to save the “Poe House” from the wrecking ball).
The feature documentary from Playloud! Productions is directed by Dietmar Post, produced by Lucia Palacios.
Location: 32 Second Avenue at Second Street. TRAVEL: F train to 2nd Ave
or 6 train to Bleeker or 2nd Ave.-M15 bus to 3rd St.
Tickets: $8 general admission, $5 student/seniors