
Sunday — 11.01.20 — Twenty Seventh Testing Assembling

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Sunday — 11.01.20 — Twenty Seventh Testing Assembling


  1. An Invitation
  2. To gather together
  3. Some Useful Readings

  1. An Invitation

Dear Friends,

We would like to invite you to our twenty seventh test at assembling.

For those interested in joining us virtually, please write to mai [AT] 16beavergroup.org and we will send details.

We will meet on Sunday Nov. 1 2020 at 11AM (New York Time)

[ Please note clock turns back one hour this day ]

  1. To gather together

To reclaim care as a fundamental category or space of politics is not to eschew the question of power, rather it is to resituate it, as we have been attempting to do together for many years. To learn a new way of politics implicates returning the question of power to our own capacities, toward the realms of our everyday life, the reproduction and uses of our bodies, our worlds, our power to care, to take care.

As our friends joining us this week write, we “come together and listen, recognizing that we must learn from each other as an act of sharing and care —rather than one seeking to crush the other.”

Whether full scale war or low intensity counter-insurgent violence, it is clear that the destabilization that the virus has produced in the political, social, economic spheres provokes various demonstrations to restore order and authority.

In the middle of gathering storms, of massive forms of violence toward communities, life forms and earth, we meet on a path in the search of fierce care – as a convivial practice, “a refusal, a response, a survival strategy, and a commitment to nurture and affirm life” against all the processes of subversion, counter-insurgency, and war.

  1. Some Useful Readings
