
Dina — Please sign the petition in defense of Professor Joseph Massad

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Please sign the petition in defense of Professor Joseph Massad:
In addition to signing your name in for the petition above and writing to
Columbia, it’s also important that we write to the newspapers and respond to
them. Please send letters to the editor to the following places (keep them short if you want a better chance at having them published)…
The articles are pretty offensive and this whole attack , silencing and
intimdation of Joseph and others is worse…
NY SUN info:
Letter to the Editor:
email: newsdesk@nysun.com Fax: 212-608-7348
For Submitting an Opinion Piece:
Letters must include the writer’s name,
address and phone number. email: editor@nysun.com
Fax: 212-608-7348
Daily News info:
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (‘Voice of The People’)
The Daily News cares what you think! If you wish to express your opinion on any topic by submitting a letter to the editor (“Voice of the People”) for
publication, please include your full name, address and phone number. (This
information will be used for verification purposes only; failure to include the
information invalidates your request.) The Daily News reserves the right to
edit letters. The shorter the letter, the better the chance it will be used.
Then send your letter to voicers@edit.nydailynews.com.
Daily News article
Some students felt grades would suffer if they expressed a pro- Israeli
position. One noted that while much classroom time is given to the view that
the very existence of Israel is a crime against humanity, there’s little
discussion of the human rights violations, oppression of women and Christians,
tyranny and slavery that are rife in the 23 Arab countries